Shoot Nations 2009
This year Shoot Nations is focusing on what it means to be born a girl or a boy, growing up in the 21st Century, to tie in with Plan’s Because I am a Girl campaign which highlights the raw deal that millions of girls all over the world are facing.
Why ‘Because I am a Girl’? What is the Problem?
Girls in the developing world are less well nourished, face daily violence and are less likely to go to school. This has a negative effect not only on individual lives but on the development of entire communities and countries.
Plan’s campaign
The Because I am a Girl campaign aims to empower the world’s poorest girls to combat the discrimination they face everyday. We believe that educating girls is the key to enabling them to create more equal societies and break the cycle of poverty which can pass from mother to daughter.
Plan has been documenting “The State of the World’s Girls” for the last 2 years and will go on producing reports until 2015.
Last year’s report, In the Shadow of War, looked at the particular impact of war, and the aftermath of war, on the lives of girls and young women.
You can help give these girls a chance.
Email Gordon Brown! Take a minute to follow this link and ask him to keep the promises he has made to make sure that girls benefit as much as boys from the aid money we give to education.;_type=clickin